On Tuesday, February 16, [now postponed to Feb 17th because the "weather"] the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) of the Illinois General Assembly will vote on a new rule already approved by the Illinois State Board of Education.  

The rule’s title, which might as well have been dreamed up by a propagandist like Goebbels, is called “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards.”  Assuming the rule is ratified on February 16, which will most likely occur, it will mandate that teachers fulfill a whole slew of progressive, politically correct objectives, including but not limited to:

  • “Understand and value the notion that multiple lived experiences exist, that there is not one ‘correct way of doing or understanding something.”  This could mean that if a student’s parent is a drug-addict, his teacher would say that there is no single correct way to parent.
  • “Recognize how their identity (Race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, religion, etc.) affects their perspectives and beliefs about pedagogy and students.”  An affront to our Judeo-Christian foundation and a promotion of secularism (let’s not forget a rising sensitivity to Islam!)
  • “Assess how their biases and perceptions affect their teaching practice and how they access tools to mitigate their own behavior (racism, sexism, homophobia, unearned privilege, Eurocentrism, etc.).  Belief in God will be relegated to the bias ash heap.
  • “Provide multiple opportunities for parents to communicate in their language and method of preference.”  Continuation of the Left’s effort to divide through the multiplication of languages with a hiring spree for translators, thereby diverting more dollars from the classroom.
  • “Engage with students’ families and community members outside of the classroom to develop a more holistic understanding of the students’ lived experience.”  Open season for taxpayer-funded field trips to leftist political rallies.

Needless to say, this proposed rule is a complete encroachment on our liberties and will be imposed upon a bureaucracy already smothered with woke-ism and virtue-signaling.  Please reach out to the members of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules listed below before the vote on Tuesday, February 16.


Take Action Tonight

You can PERSONALLY let your opposition to these new standards be known in several different ways. The JCAR meeting will be held in Springfield at the Stratton Office Building, Room C-1 on February 16 at 10:30AM. 


The JCAR meeting agenda states:


NOTICE: It is the policy of the Committee to allow only representatives of State agencies to testify orally on any rule under consideration at Committee hearings. If members of the public wish to express their views with respect to a proposed rule, they should submit written comments to the Office of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules at the following address:

  • Joint Committee on Administrative Rules,
  • 700 Stratton Office Building,
  • Springfield, IL 62706 
  • Phone: 217-785-2254 
  • Group email: [email protected]

If you wish to contact individual JCAR members, the current list is https://ilga.gov/commission/jcar/member.pdf 


Contact IL Rep. Andre Thapedi (D)

Contact IL Rep. Frances Ann Hurley (D)

Contact IL Rep. Keith Wheeler (R)

Contact IL Rep. Michael Halpin (D)

Contact IL Rep. Steve Reick (R)

Contact IL Rep. Tom Demmer (R)

Contact IL State Senator Antonio Munoz (D)

Contact IL State Senator Bill Cunningham (D)