When May 04, 2022 at 5:30pm 1 hr
Contact Jeff Fiedler [email protected] 773-791-7907

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 5:30pm Northside GOP Zoom

Our apologies for the short notice of this email. We would like to request your presence to a one-hour discussion regarding Northside Ward Development and Election Planning going into the 2022 Primary.

We're going to be focusing on looking at how you're doing in your ward, what assistance you need, what sort of organization you want to develop and if you've been able to develop some Deputies and Precinct Captains (or volunteers) since the beginning of April.

We also want to spend a few minutes talking about the coming primary election, election judges, the potential for more Northside candidates (to be slated), where we are on the referendum (ward design) and how to GOTV (Get out the Vote).

On this email are Northside Committeemen, Chicago GOP executive staff, Northside GOP volunteers and local candidates and prospective candidates.

Please join us on Wednesday at 5:30pm. Please RSVP on this page.

Topic: Ward Development & Overall Planning into the primary 

Time: Zoom call at 5:30pm

Join The Zoom Meeting Here 


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Meeting ID: 899 0967 2494
Passcode: 932501

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Will you come?